Sunday, November 11, 2007

Hi my name is Lauren and I'm a Type A/Slacker

It's so much harder than I imagined to start writing a blog. I have told all of my friends that I'm starting a blog only to receive reactions like: "You? What are you going to write about?" and my favorite--"I hate blogs." Thanks for all the support everybody!! Well, I'm doing it anyway and will hopefully find something interesting (at least to me) to write about along the way.

I hope this can be a forum where people can look up different ways that I have found to be helpful in creating a really well rounded and balanced life. The reason I became interested in this in the first place is because I am terrible at creating a well rounded and balanced life. I am an odd combination of type A personality mixed with slacker. It's confusing to say the least. So I've spent a long time experimenting on myself; trying to find the right cocktail that will create balance and a sense of wellness for me and those around me. I'll get into my long search for balance later but, first should introduce my baby: The Bailey Bag.

The idea was hatched many years ago and has sort of become like a relationship for me....sometimes good, sometimes bad but for some reason we can't break up. Anyone who has started their own business can relate to this. The idea is to fuse together two things that I love very deeply: The search for wellness and great design. Handbags seemed a great way to get started and thus the Bailey bag was born. All of the bags are designed with 'timeless' and 'wellness' as a mantra. The brand is intended to be something that remains beautiful as trends come and go. We also hope to create a product that produces a sense of wellness through the incorporation of therapeutic magnets. I'll post lots of great articles about the topic in the coming weeks.

So if this seems like the perfect combination of self deprecating humor and useful information, I hope you'll return to read more. Until then I'll be quietly obsessing about what to write next......


Anonymous said...

Glad to see your blog. Keep it up!

You made me realize my own classification as a Type A/Slacker, too! I look forward to learning some tips from you on that.

KamilahNYC said...

Welcome to the blogging world! Can't wait to hear more from you!

Anonymous said...

Great work.